

XIA Yuxuanさん(チェルシーカレッジオブデザイン)、MCLAREN Maia Elisabethさん(グラスゴー美術学校)の2名が9月から来年1月まで、さまざまなクラスに参加し制作に取り組みます。

XIA Yuxuan

I am a Chelsea textile BA 1 student who graduated from Capital Normal University High School in 2021 and finished the IPF program at LCF in 2022.
I am an open-minded, widely read, calm and logical, emotionally stable person in the face of difficulties.

I’ve been taking classes at Tamabi for couple weeks now, and even though it’s just a start of the semester, it’s given me a lot of knowledge. In the class of Ikat weaving, the teacher used paper strips instead of wool and showed us the charm of Ikat in a fun and easy way, and showed us the works of different style artists. In the research and design class, the teacher introduced his working process and shared with us the relationship between each piece of work and its inspiration, I learnt a lot of practical skills in the part of integrating design with society and business.

I’m curious about human communication, relationships, and collision. I am good at getting inspiration from small details in life, and I like to break grand propositions into pieces and reconnect them. I often record my feelings and observe the process of change, expanding my ego outward while understanding it inward. So I would like to express my subject matter through different presentations of the weaving technique in Tamabi.


Hey, my name is Maia and I’m a 3rd year Textile student from Glasgow School of Art in Scotland. 
I found it daunting and overwhelming moving half way across the world alone not knowing anyone or even speaking the language however, Tambi has such a friendly environment and everyone looks out for me. So far I am really enjoying my experiences living, seeing and studying in Tokyo. 

In Scotland I have done knit, weave, embroidery and print however I have decided to take forward and focus my attention to print. Although I am exposed to a wide range of printing methods at the Glasgow School of Art, dying isn’t a huge part of that. I wanted to come to Tambi to learn more about different dying techniques and open my mind up to more opportunities within the world of Textile Design. 

I find the language barrier challenging however there are always ways to overcome it. Not only does this exchange offer me new and unique opportunities to explore what I love but it has introduced me to so many new people. It has been so comforting to meet and become friends with the other exchange students and share are stories with each other. We are all experiencing so many new things together and it’s nice to know I’m not alone.
It’s definitely a pinch me moment being here but I know my time will fly by so I am taking it all in and embracing every minute.